Saturday, April 19, 2008


Si hablo en lenguas humanas y angelicales,
pero no tengo amor,
no soy más que un metal que resuena
o un platillo que hace ruido.

Si tengo el don de profecía
y entiendo todos los misterios
y poseo todo conocimiento,
y si tengo una fe que logra trasladar montañas,
pero me falta el amor,
no soy nada.

Si reparto entre los pobres todo lo que poseo,
y si entrego mi cuerpo para que lo consuman las llamas,
pero no tengo amor,
nada gano con eso.

El amor es paciente,
es bondadoso.

El amor no es envidioso
ni jactancioso
ni orgulloso.

No se comporta con rudeza,
no es egoísta,
no se enoja fácilmente,
no guarda rencor.

El amor no se deleita en la maldad sino que se regocija con la verdad.

Todo lo disculpa,
todo lo cree,
todo lo espera,
todo lo soporta.


Lissy said...

Laura! We don't speak Spanish fluently so I must translate.

If I speak the languages of humans and angels,
but have no love,
I am nothing more than a sweaty metal
or a plate that is rude.

If I have a professor named Don
and entice the mysteries
and possess some condiments,
and if I have to translate some mountains,
but I cannot find my armor,
I am nothing.

If I deny entrance to the people that I possess,
and if I have intrigued my carp who has consumed some llamas,
but I do not have love,
I cannot get much Esso.

My love is patient,
is Bonaduce.

My love does not envy
is not a jacket
is not orange-ish.

He cannot compute with a rubix,
is not egotistical,
is not easily annoyed,
does not guard his rank.

My love does not deal in the Maldives without re-negotiating with the greenery.

Everything is scalpy,
everything is creepy,
everything is Esprit,
everything is a sopapilla.

The Massons said...

your dream is hilarious. and i hope it's prophetic in that you WILL make us muffins ;)(just please don't place knives and forkes in them-jesse is allergic.)