Tuesday, October 14, 2008

YOU Vote!!

I have a new roommate!

And it's a BOY!!

Now, before you get the wrong idea, let's see a picture of this new roommate...

One of my friends here has a new obsession with fish, and while she has gone so far as to install a real fish tank, I only allowed her to convince me to invest in this handsome beta.

But he needs a name!!

That's where YOU come in! YOU get to vote (by way of leaving a comment) and tell me what you think I should name him. Keep in mind, it is a boy. So no names like Susan or LuAnn. And keep in mind that I am SO beyond Disney/Pixar names, so if anybody suggests Nemo or Marlin or Flounder or Sebastian I won't even consider it. However if you should happen to show the picture to your 4 year old son or daughter and HE/SHE suggests Nemo, I won't hold it against him/her.

Be creative. Be original. You can even be ethnic (keep in mind I am living in a foreign country). If no suitable name is submitted in the next week, I'll name him after my grumpy neighbor, because so far this fish seems pretty ornery. Just check out this face he made at me:


Toby said...

I think he looks like a Giuseppe.

Kyle said...

Xavier (ha-vier) Mcpantalones de Mantequilla

The Roberts' said...

pedrooooooo. or grumpy gills. those are my votes :-)

Jeanne said...

Hmmm.....worth? :) Seriously, how about the name of the guy from Princess Bride? I can't remember his name but I think I see a mustache on your fish's face.

Lissy said...

Barry the Beta

Jeanne said...

Inigo Montoya...that's his name!

Julie said...

Alistair. That is all.

Julie said...

Or Pokey.

Jeanne said...

Inigo Montoya.

Wuv, twu wuv. Marwaj, is what bwings us togatha todaih.

Unknown said...

I vote for Pokey or Columbus.

Anonymous said...

Inigo Montoya