Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm Still The Same

At least once a week (particularly last week) I am reminded that as much as I may have changed as a person, grown in the Lord, learned who I am, "blossomed into a woman" as my mother might say, I am in fact, still very much the same in many ways.

One of those lovely personality traits to which I am referring is represented in this piece that I wrote a few years ago for a poetry slam at Revolution Café in Bryan, Texas.



My life can be defined by one simple word: Awkward.
My life is awkward.
It’s not that I’m socially inept
Or incapable of interaction with the opposite sex
But simply that I find myself with my foot in my mouth
My words all tangled up
Frantically fighting for some sense of order.
My inner monologue has gone on permanent vacation
Leaving me behind,
With random thoughts racing through my mind
And I can’t seem to get the right ones out
So then you all wonder “What in the world is she talking about?”

My self-editor, the filter from my brain to my mouth
Seems to be having technical difficulties
And now everything has gone south
Blundering, bumbling, uncouth and uncoordinated
Spewing word vomit on the nearest available victim
As I tell them my life story
And about that awkward last day of school in seventh grade
And everything I did earlier that day
Until suddenly I realize that they didn’t want to know
And why am I rambling? Why don’t I just go?
And get in my car and wonder why I said what I said
And then I go home and toss and turn in my bed
Thinking about what a fool of myself I’ve made
And now he’ll never ask me on a date
And why can’t I just be smooth like that girl over there
And to make myself feel better I put on my superman underwear
But you didn’t want know that
That was too much information
And thus I find myself in another awkward situation.


Jeanne said...

So, are we having an awkward time? Hang in there!

Toby said...

You're truly one of a kind...just like everyone else.

Lauren said...

i TOTALLY remember the night you read that at revolutions! seriously, best thing ever.

Anonymous said...

I thought that poem was awesome!:) And just so you know it made me laugh. Hey, it's ok if you feel awkward, "He had no form or splendor that we should look at Him, no apperance that we should desire Him." right?

Oh, and for your recent illness, "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of suffering who knew what sickness was." (Isaiah 53:2-3).

So rest up, Your in good company!

Unknown said...

So, have you had the hiccups lately? :)