Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Birthday Party and a Dinner Party

Friday night we had a Mexican dinner birthday party for my friend:

Keeping with the Mexican theme, we had a visit from Nacho Libre and Sister Incarnación:
The kids had fun playing together:

My friend Amber made homemade chicken enchiladas and I must say that they were far better than what I've had at most restaurants. I simply MUST get the recipe.

Then Saturday night I had some friends over for a dinner party, since I'm traveling over the next couple of weeks and won't see them for a while. I made ranch chicken, potato salad, green beans and cornbread, and for dessert, we had ice cream with a yummy sauce made of strawberries, peaches, and raspberries (add a little sugar and cinnamon and simmer for 10 minutes and you get a yummy fruit syrup!). It was de-licious. Well, most of the meal didn't turn out as yummy as my sister makes it, but it was satisfactory. =)

I forgot to take pictures of the food, but hey, friends are better than food!

Here we are waiting for our stomachs to make space for dessert:

Like a gentleman, Amir washed the dishes:

We had some fun with Chucky and his friend:

And on the way out the three of us girls rode the elevator. It's supposed to fit 4 people but really to fit even 3 you have to suck in your stomach, unless one of you is super petite like my friend Vero:

All in all, it was a great weekend. Now I'm out of town for 2 weeks, then I'll be back for a weekend and then gone for another week. I guess you know you've made yourself at home somewhere when being gone for 3 consecutive weeks just seems like too much! I suppose that's a good thing. =)


The Roberts' said...

laura you look GORGEOUS!!

& please share that recipe if you get it!

Julie said...

Wow! You and your hair look sooooo HOT in these photos!!! WOW!

PS: It's so good to see Chucky finally getting some action.